
Would you kiss a Trans Woman?

The unknown and questionable situations to some!

Beauty Girl
A Trans Life
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2023


Photo by Alejandra Quiroz on Unsplash

Mmkay, so I have to dig into this as it seems like it is something of fire on the public radar. The Stealth Trans Woman, the undercover transgender agent, the trans woman that you didn’t know. Exactly what would be your response in that situation?

So with all the hype and -I would know situation-, what would happen if you didn’t know, couldn’t tell the person was a trans woman, would that make a difference on how you feel? Would that dig deep into your soul and make you feel betrayed, perhaps gay in some images of perception from the anti trans side of the world? The question is an immediately hard core response from some guys that push that they are straight and there no other way, there are some girls that see this as the same betrayal but is it really?

I mean after all, the only thing a Trans Woman wants in her every day life is to be accepted, appreciated, and happy, so is it really that bad that they only want to be seen as a female. A Trans Woman has this double edge sword to live by, on one end if she tells you than she gets immediate hate, or questions after questions response, including the one of what part do you have! These questions are relevant only if you are going to be making your way to the bedroom in the near future. However, is a Trans Woman a woman, I believe so, so is it really that bad to want to kiss a Trans Woman who wants to be accepted as a woman, a beautiful female.

The moment that a Trans woman outs herself, she has to live with the fact that you might no longer see her as a woman. That right there can create fear, and scar some of us more sensitive Trans Woman away. Then there the whole fear of being abused, killed or what not, but that is another subject all together.

So with that in mind, what about the Trans Woman that has her operation for vaginoplasty and has a Vagina to use, presents and passes 100% as a woman, what then? Would that make or change the outcome to your decision, does it even matter in the first place! The whole idea is that she is a woman, but how would you view this if she didn’t tell you until after you had kissed her, what is your emotional feelings towards this situation? Give me a answer that doesn’t involve the she not a real woman anti trans commentary and explain why and how you would react, and feel.



Beauty Girl
A Trans Life

Primarily Talking About Trans folk Topics and LGBTQ+ Support. Occasionally off-topic for other matters. “She/her”